Balancing Hormones with Essential Oils
Let’s look at which essential oils are and how essential oils are used for balancing hormones. By learning how to use and knowing which essential are oils for balancing hormones, you can take charge of your hormonal health by using healthy alternatives to hormonal birth control or other pharmaceuticals that may end up being even more harmful to your hormonal health and well-being.
What are essential oils?
- Derivatives of plants
- Concentrated form of phytonutrients
- Distillation allows to derivation of pure components
- Been used for thousands of years
- Very safe if used correctly
- Can be used on a regular basis
Why are they so effective for women with hormone issues?
- They can be used every day
- They have a significant effect on the brain and the limbic system
How Essential Oils Help Optimize Fertility - They balance the brain pathways in the body
- You can use specific essential oils for specific symptoms
- If used correctly, they are safe to use frequently to help to reset abnormal patterns, especially beneficial when trying to balance hormones and insulin levels
- You can substitute essential oils for endocrine disruptors and toxic chemicals found in some cosmetics and cleaning agents
Many aspects of fertility and hormone balance issues can be managed and supported with Essential Oils
- Insulin Resistance
- Balance of insulin and blood sugars
- Craving control
- Weight loss
- Decrease testosterone levels by decreasing insulin
- Hormonal Balance
- Oils stimulate ovaries and adrenals and decrease cortisol and stress hormones
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Menstrual Cycles
- Hirsutism
- Infertility
- Hair Loss
- Thyroid Support
- Candida