Did You Know. . . Sunlight reduces food cravings and helps you feel more satiated at the gene level. Getting outside might be more effective than just trying to change …
Female Hormones Start With Estrogen and Progesterone – But. . .
They Don’t End There If you happen to be dealing with period problems – PMS, mood swings, painful breasts, no libido, hot flashes, night sweats, brain fog or anything you …
Menopause and Fiber
It is recommended that women in menopause eat 14 grams of fiber per day. For most women that is 22-28 grams of fiber per day. Include at least one higher-fiber …
Stress and Your Hormones
What Is Stress Really? Stress is a physiological – body – response to stressors. Stressors are things that set off the body response – they can be physical, mental or …
Taking a Personalized Approach to Fertility
Are You Taking a Personalized Approach to Your Fertility? I’ve been blessed to have been able to work with many couples who are trying to conceive. The biggest barrier that …
Trying to Conceive Checklist
I generally recommend doing these nine things at least three months before you plan to start trying to conceive. Why three months? It takes about 100 days for the egg …
Heavy Periods? Try Castor Oil Packs
Are you dealing with heavy periods and would like a natural remedy? Castor oil packs may be an answer! Here is how you can use them to potentially ease discomfort …
Stopping Hormonal Birth Control
How to Transition Off Birth Control Without Scary Symptoms – Even After 5, 10, 15+ Years Here we are specifically talking about hormonal birth control – and even though the …
Your Fertile Window
The one thing to know about ovulation is your fertile window. Do you know that there are only about six days each month when a woman can conceive? This period …
Supporting Hormone Health
I am all about empowering you with natural methods to support your fertility and hormone health. While boosting these naturally, focusing on supporting three main areas: hormone health, uterine health …