More men and women are choosing to eat better with the hope of healing their infertility. Many have turned to a Natural Fertility Diet. Some are trying to eat healthier …
Did You Know This About Male Factor Infertility?
Did you know there is a equal chance that male factor infertility may be the cause of a couple’s struggle to achieve pregnancy? If you have been trying to conceive …
Finding Joy on Your Fertility Journey? Really?
Taking time out to find what fills your heart with joy! What fills your heart with joy? What makes you truly happy? What is your craft, passion, joy? Do you …
When Trying for Another Child is a Struggle (Secondary Infertility)
If you already had one or more healthy full-term pregnancies and you are very fertile and think you will go on to have more healthy pregnancies is a myth. Infertility …
OHSS – Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Hyper-Stimulation Syndrome
Facts about Ovarian Hyper-Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS) Did you know you could have side effects from the medications used to stimulate your ovaries during the IVF process? These side effects can range …

Fertility Affirmation Friday!
How can affirmations help with conception? Every thought you think and every word you say is an affirmation. Your self-talk, often negative, is a dialogue of affirmations. With your words …
Adrenal Fatigue Is Way More Than Adrenal Fatigue
Calm on the outside but chaos inside! Is this you? Adrenal fatigue is more than adrenal fatigue. If: You stress out a little more than you should (anxiety is experienced, …
Fertility Myths Questionnaire
Are Fertility Myths Preventing You From Getting Pregnant? Take this Fertility Knowledge Quiz and see! (Answer True or False) It’s usually the woman’s fault if she can’t get pregnant You cannot get …
The Importance of Chiropractic Care for 4th trimester
As a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) we receive very insightful monthly newsletters that highlight the latest topics regarding women’s and pediatric health. This is a great …
Age-Related Infertility
Getting Pregnant After 35 The patterns of childbearing have changed dramatically over the last 30 – 40 years. Many women are waiting until they are 35 or …