Fertility Hormone Balance Infertility Natural Fertility Women's Health

The Link Between Hormone Health and Plastics

Plastics and Hormones

There is a link between plastics and some cosmetics and hormone imbalances.  These imbalances can cause disorders like infertility, PMS, fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), menopausal hot flashes, irritability, depression and even more.

Everyday plastics often contain chemicals like BPA and phthalates.  These are know as endocrine disruptors.  They interrupt the delicate dance of our hormones and mess up their rhythm. This often means playing havoc with menstrual cycles and egg quality.  For men, it plays tricks with sperm count and health.

Plastics are everywhere.  These plastics leach their chemicals into your food and water, especially when heated.  And they are not just in plastics.  Non-stick cookware contains a chemical called PFOA that gets released into the air when the pan reaches high temperatures.  That surface can get damaged with cooking-especially scratches!  This chemical is linked to low birth weight, thyroid disorders, immune system toxicity and testicular and liver cancer to name just a few.

Cosmetics can contain parabens and fragrances that disrupt hormone signaling and can block them from getting to receptor sites.

It’s impossible to get rid of all plastics overnight.  A few mindful changes can set you on the path to a plastic-freer (and probably more fertile and balanced hormones) life.

What You Can Use Instead
  • Glass, stainless steel, titanium cookware, cast iron or ceramic cast iron
  • Swap plastic storage for glass
  • Swap plastic spatulas and such for bamboo or stainless steel
  • Swap plastic water bottles for stainless steel
  • Read every label on your personal care products
  • Stop using dryer sheets and detergents with fragrances
  • Optimize your hormones by getting good quality sleep every night
  • Move your body every day
  • Cut sugar gram intake to no more than 25 grams a day
  • Optimize protein intake
  • Limit ultra-processed foods
  • Get outside for fresh air and sunshine

Taking charge of your fertility and hormone health involves embracing the harmony of your body and the environment.  You are the guardians of your fertility and hormones.  Make choices that not only safeguard them but also embrace the wellbeing of the beauty around us.

Get in touch for more help with optimizing your fertility and hormones.  Let’s chat!

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