I have many conversations with women about hormonal birth control. Many have been using hormonal birth control for many years. Some say their period was very irregular for many years …
Unravel the Benefits of Cycle Charting
How Can We Unravel the Benefits of Cycle Charting? Are you experiencing difficult cycles, absent cycles, fertility issues? Cycle charting can help you unravel the basic concept of how your …
PMS and Period Pain Did you know that PMS and period pain actually is not normal???? Because PMS is so common, we think it IS normal. Usually we do not …
Discover Teena!
Introducing Teena! What is Teena? I was recently introduced to Teena and I am soooo excited about this product! Teena is a new period app for teens and their parents! …
Healthy Choices for Teen Reproductive Health
Every year thousands of teen girls have irregular menstrual cycles. Today 1 in 10 women have PCOS – with PCOS often starting in the teen years. Teens may also experience …