Hormone Balance Infertility Natural Fertility Pre-conception Women's Health

Taking a Personalized Approach to Fertility

Are You Taking a Personalized Approach to Your Fertility?

I’ve been blessed to have been able to work with many couples who are trying to conceive. The biggest barrier that I see that stops couples from getting pregnant is they follow generalized recommendations instead of taking a personalized approach to their fertility.

It takes 90 days for the egg to renew itself and the life cycle of the sperm is 70-80 days. In a short period of time you can see massive changes to your health and fertility. You can get to the bottom of the WHY it’s not working in the first place. You can set up a solid foundation for a healthy pregnancy, baby and postpartum period. There is absolutely no downside to working on your health.

But there really needs to be a decision.

Six months from now, if you do not take action, nothing will have changed. For my clients who are taking action, here is what they are experiencing:

  • Two weeks later – the tests are ordered and they have started making diet and lifestyle changes that leave them feeling empowered which directly impacts preconception health.
  • Four to six weeks later – the tests are completed and we develop a targeted protocol that actually gets to the bottom of the WHY they are struggling.
  • Six to twelve months later – they are pregnant even after years of failed IUI’s, IVF’s, low AMH, high FSH, diminished ovarian reserve, endometriosis, repeat miscarriages and imbalanced hormones.

They are implementing their personal plan we have developed specifically for them which can include functional testing, blood chemistry review, targeted personalized lifestyle changes and protocols that are designed to enhance reproductive health and prepare for pregnancy success.

We have addressed:

  • Gut infections
  • Food sensitivities
  • Blood sugar imbalance
  • Mood imbalance
  • Adrenal insufficiency
  • Liver issues

I truly want this for you. If you are ready to make a decision and you really want to be pregnant, now is the time to chat with me! If you are ready to prepare your body in the best way, let’s set up a complementary discovery call and get started. You can do that here! I can give you some information, ask questions to see where to get started.

I look forward to supporting you on your fertility journey!

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