Hormone Balance Natural Fertility Women's Health

PMS and Period Pain

Guess What-PMS and Period Pain ARE NOT NORMAL!!!

Even though PMS is so very common and we, therefore, think it is normal —- It is not normal!  We don’t always know that there are some great natural solutions because:

  1. Our pain or symptoms are told to us as being normal
  2. We’re told “it’s all in our head” or that it’s “not that bad”
  3. We are told and often think the only options available to us are birth control or ibuprofen and the heating pad duo

Over the years I have heard countless stories of being told these words – it’s not a surprise that so many women are feeling lost and helpless.

There are definite reasons you are experiencing PMS and painful symptoms like these:

  • cramps
  • breast tenderness
  • headaches
  • migraines
  • bloating
  • acne
  • food cravings
  • mood swings
  • and the many more symptoms you are experiencing!

Most of these symptoms come down to two common root causes:

  1. Estrogen Dominance
  2. Inflammation

That being said, it is more complicated than just that.  Estrogen dominance isn’t just high estrogen – it is estrogen high in relation to progesterone.  So understanding our estrogen levels compared to progesterone is necessary.  We can have several different pictures of estrogen dominance.  Hormone testing with a Functional Lab test can help to identify your pattern.  If this is of interest to you – you can find out more here.

So, if you have high estrogen and normal progesterone, your next step would be different than someone else dealing with normal estrogen and low progesterone.  See the difference and why it’s necessary to identify your specific levels?

Any kind of pain that we experience is a sign of inflammation in the body.  Answers to – what pain am I experiencing and what is the source of the inflammation are needed.

I work to uncover the root causes.  Our symptoms answer the WHAT is showing up for you and your specific root  causes answer the WHY is this showing up for you?

Common root  causes I see that contribute to PMS and period pain are:

  • Stress
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Gut imbalances
  • Underlying infections
  • Environmental toxins
  • Blood sugar imbalances
  • Over-exercising and under-eating
  • Food reactions
  • Inflammation
  • Genetic factors
  • Too much alcohol
  • Poor sleep
  • Past traumas
  • Lack of self-care

Addressing root causes can help with finding a sustainable healing and symptom relief plan.

To get started:

Lower caffeine:  helps to calm the stress response

Magnesium:  important to hormone production, calming/relaxing mineral

Explore stressors:  identify the root of your stress and address that before adding supplements or piling on self-care practices before incorporating things to manage stress

Prioritize sleep:  hormones need good sleep practices to function properly

Mindful movement:  do what feels good for your body

Meditation:  helps to bring in the parasympathetic state and get out of fight or flight

Castor oil packs:  helps support liver health and hormone metabolism

Swap your products:  skincare, cleaning products, plastics all contain hormone disrupting chemicals

Start with whatever feels easiest to do first and go from there.  Having a solid nutrition and lifestyle foundation is key to supporting a healthy and symptom-free cycle over the long-term.

If you are struggling with PMS and/or period pain let’s get in touch.  I can help!  I look forward to helping you on this journey!


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