Birth Doula Women's Health

Limp and Loose in Labor – 8 Practical Tips

The muscle at the center of labor is the uterus and the cervix is the passageway between the uterus and the vagina.  I like to think of the cervix like doors that have to open up before the baby can exit. The role of each contraction is to gently open the cervix or open up the doors.

The cervix should open more effectively when the laboring woman is limp and loose. This isn’t easy! During contractions it is common to want to brace against the sensation. Women are often seen squeezing their partner’s hand, grabbing onto bed rails, clenching their bum and even closing their eyes with a good deal of force.

 8 Tips on staying Limp and Loose for Labor:
  1. Open mouth and let lower jaw hang.
    2. Shake out arms and hands.
    3. Blow horse lips
    4. Rest hands with palms facing upward
    5. Move shoulders up and down noticing any tension
    6. Have support people use phrases like “limp and loose”, “rag doll”, and “go boneless”
    7. Check in with your bum. No bum clenching!
    8. Wiggle it! If any areas seem tight try to give them a wiggle to release the muscles.
Not only should staying limp and loose help contractions be more effective but reducing tension also helps reduce pain! 
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