Fertility Hormone Balance Women's Health

Coming Off Hormonal Birth Control

Are you considering coming off hormonal birth control?

Do you want to come off hormonal birth control but are concerned you will get pregnant and concerned about the consequences from being on it for so long?  Do you wonder how it will affect your PCOS?  Are you scared and confused and don’t know where to start?

You can ease the transition of getting off hormonal birth control with confidence.  It is possible to reduce the craziness of symptoms of post-birth control and learn the tools to understanding your ovulation and cycle to prevent pregnancy without hormonal birth control.   My program for coming off hormonal birth control can help!  You will get the tools, education and a good foundation for regular, pain-free periods naturally.

Understanding how birth control works and how it affects your hormones and knowing any of the potential symptoms that can happen when you stop using hormonal birth control will give you confidence so you don’t have to be concerned with what may or may not happen with your symptoms and cycle.

Having a clear understanding of your PCOS is key to knowing what to expect (if you have PCOS) and what strategies are most important to put into place even before you stop taking hormonal birth control.  Did you know there is something called androgen rebound that can happen after stopping hormonal birth control.  Testosterone increases because it has been suppressed on birth control.

This is important to know if you do have PCOS and elevated testosterone so you can focus on the key strategies for balancing androgen levels.

Learning how to properly track your cycle, confirm ovulation and what to consider for irregular cycles are part of the program.  When you have PCOS or stop stop hormonal birth control, you could experience irregular cycles, cycles where you don’t ovulate or delayed ovulation.  This is all covered in the program.

Nutritional deficiencies caused by the hormonal birth control as well as gut issues that can occur from use are covered with how to balance these issues.

Every person can react differently when stopping hormonal birth control.  It all depends on what was going on with you hormonally when you started, how long you have been on it, nutrition, stress, environmental factors and much more.

So, if you have been considering coming off hormonal birth control or have decided to ditch it, let’s chat and get you started!  You can set up a complimentary consult to get started here.


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