What Is Stress Really? Stress is a physiological – body – response to stressors. Stressors are things that set off the body response – they can be physical, mental or …
How to Survive Nighttime Nursing Sessions
Breastfeeding provides countless benefits to you, your baby and your family. As comforting and healthy as breastfeeding can be, it is not always easy in the first few weeks after …
Taking a Personalized Approach to Fertility
Are You Taking a Personalized Approach to Your Fertility? I’ve been blessed to have been able to work with many couples who are trying to conceive. The biggest barrier that …
7 Best Exercises to Induce Labor
First, there is no proven method for safely inducing labor at home. There are some things you can do to help prime your body for labor and encourage your baby …
Trying to Conceive Checklist
I generally recommend doing these nine things at least three months before you plan to start trying to conceive. Why three months? It takes about 100 days for the egg …
Heavy Periods? Try Castor Oil Packs
Are you dealing with heavy periods and would like a natural remedy? Castor oil packs may be an answer! Here is how you can use them to potentially ease discomfort …
Skin-to-Skin Care
Skin-to-skin care (kangaroo care) is a natural process that involves placing a naked newborn on their parent’s bare chest and covering the infant with a blanket to keep them dry …
Stopping Hormonal Birth Control
How to Transition Off Birth Control Without Scary Symptoms – Even After 5, 10, 15+ Years Here we are specifically talking about hormonal birth control – and even though the …
Your Fertile Window
The one thing to know about ovulation is your fertile window. Do you know that there are only about six days each month when a woman can conceive? This period …
Baby Needs a Full 40 Weeks
Why a Full 40 Weeks? Your baby needs a full 40 weeks of pregnancy to grow and develop. Even though being done with pregnancy may seem tempting, especially the last …