Fertility Gut Health Hormone Balance Natural Fertility Nutrition for Fertility Pre-conception Women's Health

A Healthy Gut is Important For You and Your Baby

Guess What?  Your Gut Health Can Affect Fertility!
Let’s Explore!

Probiotics to the rescue!

Probiotics – friendly bacteria – can boost gut health, aid digestion and support the immune system!  How awesome!

There is research supporting the microbes in your gut – gut microbiota – can impact hormone balance, inflammation and nutrient absorption which are all crucial for reproductive health.  A healthy gut is crucial for you and your baby!

Studies have shown that taking probiotics before conception can offer some significant benefits which include reducing the risk of eczema and asthma for your baby.  And for the moms it means fewer colds and respiratory issues.

During pregnancy, probiotics may help prevent preterm birth and lower the risk of pre-eclampsia, a leading cause of maternal mortality.

Probiotics can also potentially lessen pregnancy complications tied to high blood pressure and inflammation.  Probiotics calm the body’s inflammation which reduces risks.

We generally want you to get vitamins and minerals from natural and wholesome foods.  While it’s a chore to incorporate fermented or probiotic-rich foods in each meal, probiotic supplements can be there to provide that extra!

Using a good probiotic is important.  Learn more about the product I recommend hereYou can use this link to order!    

Set up a complimentary consult here to learn more.

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