Fertility Hormone Balance Women's Health

Sunlight’s Health Benefits – Did You Know?

Did You Know. . .

Sunlight reduces food cravings and helps you feel more satiated at the gene level. Getting outside might be more effective than just trying to change what you eat for weight loss and health. Many people fail at making lasting changes because their environment (light) is sending their body the wrong message. When people have low energy, they turn to food (calories) as a source fuel when in fact they should instead focus on getting outdoors, drinking clean and high quality water and grounding their electrical system.

So, if you are:

  • Hungry all the time
  • Barely feel satisfied when eating
  • Craving sugar and fats all the time
  • Waking up tired instead of refreshed
  • Gaining weight when you are trying to lose


  • Stop changing your die-yet
  • Start getting more sunlight
  • Spend more time in nature (barefoot when possible)
  • Stay well hydrated
  • Turn the lights off at night

Here’s to health and happiness!

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