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How to Survive Nighttime Nursing Sessions

Breastfeeding provides countless benefits to you, your baby and your family. As comforting and healthy as breastfeeding can be, it is not always easy in the first few weeks after giving birth — especially during nighttime nursing sessions.

Use these suggestions to feel more at east when handling nursing at night:

Follow Baby’s Lead

If you are waking up several times to feed your baby at night, remember that this is expected. Newborns need to feed around the clock in order to grow both their brain and their body. Their stomachs are tiny and need frequent refills. Your baby should breastfeed at least eight times in 24 hours during the first weeks. The exception is the first 24 hours after birth when many babies sleep more. Following your baby’s lead on the number and length of feeds helps to build a great milk supply.

Sleep Near Baby

Keeping your baby nearby for sleep helps make frequent nighttime feeds more manageable. Having your breastfeeding baby sleep in your room or in your bed are options many mothers find gets everyone the most sleep. Regardless of where your baby sleeps, the same safety notes apply: babies should sleep on their backs on a firm surface with no areas for them to become entrapped, without fluffy bedding, pillows or stuffed toys. If your little one is in bed with you, there are additional considerations: only adults who are aware the baby is sleeping with them should be in the bed. If you or your partner are taking medication that causes excessive drowsiness, using street drugs or alcohol or are obese, it is not safe to co-sleep. Also, pets and other children should not sleep with babies. Remember, it is not safe to co-sleep on a couch, chair or recliner.

Be Patient – Nighttime Nursing Does Not Last Forever

As babies get older and your milk supply ramps up, they begin to sleep for longer stretches of time. Nighttime breastfeeding doesn’t last forever, though it can sometimes feel that way. Babies adjust their sleeping patterns at their own unique pace. Remember the saying – “This too shall pass.”

Change Position

Breastfeeding while laying down allows you to nurse, often without fully waking up. Lie in bed on your side with your baby facing you. Snuggle baby in with your nipple near your baby’s nose. You may need a helper to assist with latch for the first few times but soon you and your baby should be able to latch easily. This position helps not only with getting everyone some sleep, but also eases discomfort and promotes healing of the perineum.

Although nights with your newborn may be challenging, remember to be kind to yourself. You just grew and birthed a baby which in itself can be exhausting. Now this little person needs you almost constantly with no regard for your need for sleep. Throw in some hormones, visitors with lots of opinions and the major life change of bringing a baby into your life and you’ve got even more reasons to be overwhelmed.

Take sleep whenever you can get it and forget the dishes and laundry. Getting support when you need it, some sleep, a sense of humor and a focus on taking the early days in stride will serve you well. It shouldn’t be long before you adjust and find your stride. Try to enjoy your baby. He or she will grow too fast!

For help and support with pregnancy and postpartum, get in touch!

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