Age Related Infertility Fertility

Fertility Myths Questionnaire

Are Fertility Myths Preventing You From Getting Pregnant?

Take this Fertility Knowledge Quiz and see!  (Answer True or False)

  1. It’s usually the woman’s fault if she can’t get pregnant
  2. You cannot get pregnant when having sex during your period
  3. Sperm only live for several hours
  4. You need to wait at least three months after stopping birth control pills before you can start trying to conceive
  5. The best way to time intercourse is always on the 14th day of your cycle
  6. Having an orgasm helps you get pregnant
  7. Ovulation happens when the BBT drops
  8. You should have sex every other day if you want to get pregnant
  9. You can diagnose implantation for pregnancy from cervical changes
  10. You can get pregnant several days before and after ovulation
  11. Vaginal secretions always mean that there is an infection
  12. Stress prevents a woman from getting pregnant
  13. If you miscarried in the last pregnancy, there is an increased risk to have another miscarriage
  14. Fertilization happens inside the uterus
  15. Moderate exercise will prevent you from getting pregnant
  16. When taking your basal body temperature, you should have sex when the temperature goes up
  17. Your first pregnancy symptoms usually start before you miss your period
  18. If you have only one ovary, you ovulate only once every two months
  19. If you haven’t become pregnant after three months of trying, something must be wrong
  20. A negative pregnancy test on 12 DPO means that I am not pregnant
  21. A positive blood pregnancy test means that I a pregnant
  22. Women who can’t get pregnant often have problems with the cervical mucus
  23. Ovulation always happens on cycle day 14
  24. Sperm can survive several days inside the vagina

CLICK HERE FOR ANSWERS – How did you do?


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