Birth Doula Pregnancy Women's Health

Laughing Your Way Through Labor?

Why Does Laughter Have Such a Powerfully Positive Effect During Labor?

Have you seen mothers dancing and laughing her way through contractions?  Does it make you wonder – how do you keep a smile on your face during what can be such a physically daunting task?

Laughing through labor may be more beneficial than you realize.  Let’s look at why laughing can actually help move labor along and then give you some suggestions to help you smile as you’re working through labor.

The mental and physical benefits of laughter have been a topic of study for many researchers and here are some of their conclusions:

Laughter helps your body release tension.  Not only does tensing your muscles during labor tire your body more quickly, but being tense can actually increase your pain level.  This is why it is important to keep your muscles as loose and relaxed as possible.  If it’s difficult to laugh – which is certainly not easy – focus on releasing tension from your jaw and hands; the rest of your body will follow suit.

Laughter increases your air intake and therefore increases your oxygen intake.  This benefits every organ in your body, especially your heart and lungs, as well as your baby.  Every inch of your body is working overtime during labor and birth, so it’s important to breathe deeply.

Laughter helps you get the full benefit of your endorphins, nature’s painkiller.   Your body will naturally produce endorphins during labor, and the more you are able to relax, the more you’ll be able to appreciate the benefit of these powerful hormones.  Laughing can even add an extra oomph to the endorphins released, which is always a welcomed addition to your labor!

So, how can you go about adding some fun to what can be an intimidating task?

Surround yourself  with people who make your heart happy.   Whether it’s a beloved spouse/partner, trusted doula, or friend who just understands you, keep yourself encircled with positive people who know both you and your goals for labor and childbirth.  Being comfortable and relaxed will help the laughter flow.  If you would like some help creating a great birth team – let me know.  We can set up a time to chat and develop your plan.

Keep moving and (when you can) grooving.   Muscles that are moving are going to stay looser than muscles that are still.  This is important because avoiding tension is key for labor:  tension actually fights the progress your body is working toward with each contraction.  Think of tension as resistance; you want to remove as much resistance as you can and a great way to do this is by keeping yourself moving.  Once you have released some tension, an increasingly relaxed sate will invite more opportunities to smile and laugh.

Stay true to yourself and your sense of humor.  It’s hard to have a sense of humor when you’re in pain.  Being open to laughter during labor doesn’t mean arming your partner or doula with a book of knock-knock jokes.  It means being true to who you are and what brings you joy.

Of course not every contraction will bring belly laughs.  Labor is hard work!  And staying relaxed and welcoming as many contractions as you can with a smile on your face will absolutely help you to have your best birth experience.  Want to know more?  Let’s chat!


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