Dads don’t always realize how important their role is when it comes to breastfeeding and newborn care. Feeling left out is how they may feel since mom is the only one who can breastfeed the baby. However, dads have a profound effect on breastfeeding and the well-being of both their partner and their child.
Support from a loving partner is one of the most important factors in a woman’s decision to breastfeed. Research shows that when a mother has the support and encouragement of her partner, she’s more likely to be successful at breastfeeding and breastfeed for a longer duration of time. Having support makes it easier to stick to it even when she’s exhausted. Support is invaluable for getting through difficult or painful breastfeeding problems should they arise
The longer your baby is breastfed, the greater the health benefits will be for him as well as for your wife. By becoming a partner in breastfeeding, you are investing in our family’s long-term health. Here are some ways you can encourage breastfeeding and care for your partner and baby.
How to Participate in Breastfeeding
As a partner, you may think there’s not much you can do to participate in breastfeeding. There are so many ways you can join in and lend a hand. Here are some of the things you can do to be part of the experience:
- Be prepared: Prepare for breastfeeding by reading about it and learning all you can. Find out how breastfeeding benefits your baby, your wife and your family. Sign up for a breastfeeding class with your partner, buy a few books or borrow them from your local library, go online to find out all the information you can, and go to the doctor with your partner. The more you know about breastfeeding, the more you will be able to help your partner.
- Be supportive: Join your wife in the decision to breastfeed. Tell her that you believe in breastfeeding and you want to help her do what’s best for your child. Keep in mind that breastfeeding is a learning experience – especially for first time moms. When breastfeeding is rough, some gentle encouragement from you can mean everything to your partner. Having you by her side can give her the confidence she needs to get breastfeeding off to a good start and continue breastfeeding even when things get tough.
- Be Available: If you can take a vacation from work once your baby is born. While you’re in the hospital, you can watch the nurses and ask questions. Then, when you get home, assist your wife and spend time with her as she adjusts to becoming a new mother.
- Be Helpful: Helping with housework, cooking and the older children can be very appreciated. Encourage her to take a nap to catch up on her rest.
- Be Caring and Thoughtful: Place a glass of water and a snack next to your partner and ask if there is anything else you can do. Stay and keep your wife company.
How to Bond With Your Breastfed Baby
Some dads feel left out when their partner breastfeeds. Remember, taking care of a baby involves more than feeding. There are many other ways you can care for and bond with your child. Get to know them by spending time with them. Here are some ways dads can bond with a breastfed baby:
- Holding: While your child is awake, pick them up and talk to them. At bedtime or naptime, rock them gently.
- Skin-to-Skin Contact: Direct skin-to-skin contact promotes a deep connection. When your newborn is on your bare chest and you snuggle together while your skin is touching, it
stimulates the release of the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin is responsible for love and bonding. It helps to create a close relationship between you and your child.
- Providing Daily Infant Care: Spend time playing together. While they are a newborn or infant, you can get on the floor for some tummy time, peek-a-boo, singing songs and making funny faces.
- Getting Out of the House: Put your baby in a sling, baby carrier or stroller and go out for a walk. The fresh air and movement can be calming especially for a fussy baby.
Of course, there is so much more you can do!
How Breastfeeding is Beneficial for You
Most likely you know how children and mothers benefit from breastfeeding. Did you know there are some ways that breastfeeding can be beneficial for you too? Here are some advantages of breastfeed for dads:
- Breastfeed saves you money. If your partner chooses to breastfeed, you do not need to spend money on infant formula, lots of bottles, nipples and bottle liners.
- Going out requires less effort. There is less to pack and carry when you leave the house with your family. Breastfed babies do not need as many feeding supplies as bottle-fed babies. Plus, you don’t have to find a way to warm the bottle! Breast milk is always available and at the perfect temperature!
- Night feedings are easier. You will not have to prepare bottles in the middle of the night and won’t have to worry about running out of formula during the night.
- Diaper changes are not that bad. Since the bowel movements of a breastfed baby are usually not as offensive as those of a formula-fed infant, you may not even mind changing the messy ones!
- Breastfeeding is a healthy choice for your family. You can feel good knowing that your baby is getting a variety of health and developmental benefits from breastfeeding. These health benefits last even after breastfeeding has ended.
Breastfeeding is good for your baby and your partner and your role in breastfeeding is much more significant than you might think. By taking an active role in breastfeeding and your child’s everyday care, you are showing support for your partner. You will also get to spend more time with your baby, bonding with your baby and building your own special relationship with them.
Staying involved, working as a team and keeping the lines of communication open will not only help you and your partner enjoy the experience of welcoming a new child into your life, it will also help you grow closer as a couple and a family.
For more support for pregnancy, birth and postpartum, get in touch! I’m here to help make the transition from pregnancy through postpartum. More resources and be found here.