Have You Noticed Your Cycle Is Off This Time of Year?
Perhaps you are having more cramps, breakouts, cycle is irregular/longer, some symptoms you don’t generally experience? Stress can affect your period and your period is an indication into what is going on internally.
Stress during the holidays is generally expected. Our cycles and body are very sensitive to stress. The holidays are a mix of negative and positive stress-depends on your situation. Stress is the physiological (body) response to stressors. The body doesn’t differentiate whether stress is positive or negative. Our mind is what interprets something as positive or negative. We each have our own threshold for how much stress we can endure. Once the cup overflows we can see symptoms appear that are trying to alert us to SLOW down!
Signs your cortisol/stress response need some help are:
- You are waking up between 1 and 4 a.m.
- Feeling depleted after working out
- Can’t focus on simple things
- Racing thoughts before bed
- Loss of appetite
- Need coffee to function
- Feeling wired and tired
- Food cravings
- Tired all day and can’t sleep at night
- Any period symptom!
It’s normal to not be in our regular routine during this time of the year. Setting strict rules are not the answer! Get clear on the foundations that you know help you feel better and incorporate them during this time of year.
- Have coffee with or after meals
- Eat something within 30 minutes to 1 hour of waking
- Include movement that feels good – 15-20 minutes a few times a week
- Focus on meal consistency – eat every 3 – 5 hours
- Identify stressors – where can you ask for help or set boundaries?
Hope this helps!