Fertility Hormone Balance Infertility Natural Fertility Women's Health

No Cervical Egg White = No Ovulation?

What If I Don’t See Cervical Egg White?

Does that mean I didn’t ovulate?  Possibly, but not necessarily!  Slippery, stretchy, lubricative egg white consistency cervical fluid is a sign that ovulation is approaching.  But, it is possible to ovulate if you don’t see this.

Your body can tell you that ovulation is approaching with your fluid changes.  After your period ends, you can notice dryness or noticing cervical fluid changes right away.  Cervical fluid changes happen because of the rise in estrogen that is happening after your period ends and as the follicle starts to develop for that cycle.

More estrogen equals more water in your cervical fluid.

Cervical fluid should change from dry to a raw egg white consistency as you near ovulation.  Some can experience more of a moist versus slippery sensation and still ovulate, but using some additional markers to track ovulation if you are experiencing symptoms like short or light periods, low libido, achy joints, vaginal dryness or night sweats, checking estrogen levels can be helpful.

This is where using LH strips can help with identifying whether ovulation is approaching.  LH is the brain hormone that signals to the ovaries to ovulate.  If you have PCOS, you could have a chronically elevated LH so using these may not be an effective tool if you are always getting positives.

Basal body temperature tracking is a way to confirm if ovulation has occurred.  Testing progesterone levels is another way to confirm if ovulation has happened in this cycle as you only produce progesterone once you ovulate.

So, to predict ovulation, use LH strips.  To confirm ovulation, do BBT tracking and progesterone testing (home strips are available).

If you are using a temperature tracking device, this will confirm that you have ovulated.  To predict ovulation, check cervical mucus and add using the LH strips.

For more information on tracking your cycle, get in touch.  I have resources that will help you with this.  If you would like more support or if you have any questions – let me know!  You can set up a complimentary call here.


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