Fertility Hormone Balance Infertility Natural Fertility Women's Health

Are Your Symptoms ‘Normal’?

We Are So Often Told Our Period Symptoms Are “Normal”

For sure they are common.  But “normal” implies they are something we have to deal with and/or suffer through for an indefinite period of time.  But really, they are signs from our body that something is out of balance and something can be uncovered and addressed.

How Many of These Do You Have?
  • Debilitating period pain
  • Lutea phase spotting
  • Irregular cycles
  • A Short cycle-less than 25 days
  • A Long cycle – 36 or more more days
  • Short luteal phase – less than 10 days
  • Heavy or clotting bleeding
  • Light pink minimal bleeding
  • Mood swings that can be all over the place
Or, Is Your Period Ideal?
  • Lasts 3-7 days
  • Minimal or no pain
  • Ovulation happens
  • 10-18 day luteal phase
  • Dark, cranberry red blood
  • Few symptoms
  • Stable mood
  • Light or no cramps
  • An afterthought

If you have a lot of period symptoms, don’t panic!  Most that are having symptoms have a combination of symptoms like:

  • PMS, cramps, breakouts, mood swings
  • Irregular, heavy painful periods
  • Missing periods, no ovulation
  • Newly diagnosed PCOS or endo
  • Symptoms returning – and maybe new ones – after stopping birth control
  • Period and cycle issues and would like to get pregnant
  • Want to know your fertility is in a good place in the future
  • Been put on a strict diet or elimination protocol and relationship with food got weird
  • Lost in a bunch of conflicting health information
  • Taking supplements and don’t know if they are helping
  • Feel like your doctor won’t listen, run labs, or take them seriously
  • Are sick of being offered birth control or antidepressants as being the only option

Do you want to finally get to the root of your symptoms, heal them naturally and feel confident in your body?  Let’s book a discovery session and explore how I can help you to have pain-free periods, symptomless cycles and/or optimize your fertility!  When you understand an heal the root cause you can stop throwing everything and all things at it and use a targeted approach that actually works.  And, you can start feeling better quickly!  Let’s do this!  Book your discovery call here so we can get started!

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