Birth Doula Women's Health

When Does Labor Start After Losing Your Mucus Plug?

When you are pregnant, your body will produce a thick mucus (plug) which blocks the cervix.  This plug protects the uterine environment form infection and repels bacteria from the outside.

The plus should stay in place throughout pregnancy.  As you near the end small uterine contractions can start to open the cervix.  The cervix will also start to soften due to hormonal changes leading it to open up further and eventually release the mucus plug in the process.

You may notice it as soon as it happens.  It looks like a gelatinous blob!  It can be yellowish-white tinged with red, pink or brown streaks.  When you’ve lost your mucus plug you may see it while wiping yourself or find it in your underwear or the toilet or you not even notice it all.

If you do see it, labor is on its way!  How soon after losing your mucus plug does labor usually start?  Here is what the experts say!

Does Losing the Mucus Plug Mean I’m Going Into Labor?

According to ACOG, the mucus plug comes out as the cervix begins to dilate.  So, yes, losing your plug does signal labor but not at that very second.

The loss of the mucus plug, especially when there is a little bit of blood, is usually a good indicator that labor is coming within one to three days.  Sometimes, though, labor will come weeks after losing the mucus plug so this guideline is not 100% accurate.  So, labor is approaching but it can still take a while.  In my experiences as a doula, when a client loses her mucus plug, labor has started withing 4 – 7 days.

Baby is still protected after the mucus plug falls out (unless your water has broken and you are in active labor).  Your cervix continues to produce mucus to replenish what is lost and the amniotic fluid has many immunological agents that will continue to protect the baby against infection.

What Should I do After Losing My Mucus Plug?

If you are aware you have lost your mucus plug, it is tempting to grab your bag and run out the door.  Instead, be aware of other warning signs of labor, including:

  • Contractions get progressively longer and closer together
  • Contractions that continue even when you move around
  • Contraction pain that starts in the back and moves to the front
  • Your bag of water ruptures

If you notice any of these signs, give your healthcare provider a call.  Monitor your baby’s movements.

If contractions do start, time them.  When they become regular – coming every 3 – 5 minutes and lasting a minute or more, then going to the hospital might be best.

If you lose your plug before your 37th week of pregnancy you should call our healthcare provider just to rule out pre-term labor.

Keep Watch for Other Signs of Labor

After losing your mucus plug, watch out for additional indications that you are in labor.  Lightening, or the sensation that the baby has dropped are also signs.  This may result in more pressure in the pelvic region and breathing may be easier.

Your provider can determine whether your cervix has started to dilate and the “purple line” on your buttocks may be showing.  This discoloration begins at the anus and extends up the butt crack at the onset of active labor.  This seems to appear in about 75% of people.

If you are full-term – more than 37 weeks – there probably is no need to call your provider unless you are bleeding heavily, contracting regularly, the mucus is foul-smelling or you are concerned you may have broken your water.

Still worried?  Call to be safe!

For more help with pregnancy, labor and delivery check out the resources on this site!  Or we can set up a complimentary chat to address your concerns and questions.

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