Birth Doula

Using Castor Oil to Induce Labor

Castor Oil for Labor Induction

I often get asked about using castor oil for inducing labor.  The theory of labor induction with castor oil is that it acts as a stimulant to the bowels which irritates the uterus and causes contractions.  Taking castor oil can sometimes help induce labor and ripen the cervix.  But beware, it can have unpleasant side effects-dehydration, stomach cramps and diarrhea.

What is Castor Oil?

Castor oil is a vegetable oil derived from the castor bean, which contains ricinoleic acid.  It has been used for generations to help ease constipation or induce vomiting when needed.  It’s odorless but does have a foul taste.  It can also be used as a topical application to stimulate hair growth and as a skin lubricant.

Castor Oil and Labor Induction

Castor oil is taken orally and for some may hasten the onset of labor.  Some may feel the stirring of their intestines within an hour or two after using castor oil to help induce labor, others are not at all affected.  More research is needed but data from limited studies indicate that if castor oil has an effect that labor may be more likely to start in the first 24 hours after ingesting it.

Side Effects of Castor Oil

If you take castor oil, just know that you will most likely experience some unpleasant side effects as well as the unpleasant taste of the tonic.  The side effects of castor oil may include:

  • Contractions of the uterus (which may or may not be labor)
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

There are practitioners who do not recommend castor oil because of potential side effects like dehydration (from loose stools and/or vomiting), fetal distress and causing the baby to pass meconium (the first bowel movement) before birth.  However, some studies do show that using castor oil for induction is a safe option that does not result in a higher prevalence of these complications.

Still, care must be taken to avoid dehydration which can be very dangerous for laboring mothers.  Also, make sure to consider the side effects of castor oil that can deplete energy stores which in turn can make labor and delivery more difficult.

Castor Oil Safety

It can make some women vomit.  If you don’t vomit, you can feel nauseous.  Make sure you are getting enough fluids so you don’t run the risk of dehydration if you do have excessive vomiting or diarrhea.

Always talk to your practitioner when attempting an induction with castor oil.  It may not be your best option.

Does Castor Oil Work to Induce Labor?

Research indicates that castor oil can be effective for labor induction or for speeding up the process of cervical ripening.

A 2022 review of the literature found that those who took castor oil were significantly more likely to go into labor or to have their labor continue at a better pace.  Based on their review, the researchers suggest that using castor oil during prolonged labor can help to avoid interventions such as a C-section.

One of the studies found that low-risk pregnant women over 40 weeks gestation who were given castor oil were significantly more likely to go into labor within 24 hours than the control group.  Another found that castor oil was effective at inducing labor in multiparous women (women who have already had at least one baby) but had little to no effect on nulliparous women (first-time moms).

Alternatives to Castor Oil

When labor hasn’t started and there is no medical reason to induce, a reasonable alternative to castor oil is to do nothing and simply wait for labor to bein on its own.  If there is a medical need for induction of labor there are many options available including:

  • Artificially stripping the membranes
  • Foley catheter induction:  a catheter with an attached deflated balloon is inserted into the cervix and encourages dilation
  • Nipple stimulation via a  breast pump or manually

The decision to use one of these methods or a combination of them should be between you and your practitioner.  Some alternatives may be more appealing to you and/or may be more appropriate and safe in your specific case.

Medical literature on castor oil induction is unclear and much of the evidence is anecdotal.  The known side effect of nausea is something to weigh heavily.  If you are interested in trying this induction method, talk to your practitioner to ensure there are no known reason for you to avoid it.  Chances are they may have a more effective induction method to offer if needed.

If you would like more information on this topic or any other relating to pregnancy and birth, let me know.  You can schedule a chat here!




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