What is Waterbirth, and How is it Different than Water Immersion in Labor? With water immersion in labor, you get into a tub or pool of warm water during the first …
Natural Birth Tips
8 Natural Birth Tips What’s Most Important for a Mom Planning a Natural Birth? Let’s take a look! Positivity is #1 This is so true. You have to believe that …
Guide to Natural Childbirth
All forms of childbirth are beautiful and natural. The term “natural birth” has referred to vaginal childbirth without pharmaceutical pain relief and other medical interventions. If you are considering a …
A Childbirth Cheat Sheet for Partners
How to Support a Woman In Labor As mom’s partner when it’s GO time, it’s your role to offer support and encouragement during labor and delivery. Here are some tips …
If I Don’t Think I Am Ovulating Can I Get Pregnant?
The Top Things That Can Affect Ovulation Ovulation is necessary for conception and there are ways to restore healthy ovulation if it’s not happening or not happening regularly for you. …
How Pitocin is Different Than Oxytocin
Pitocin is a medication that can be used for the induction of labor when a physician wants to jumpstart a labor. Pitocin is a synthetic form of oxytocin, a hormone …
What is Back Labor and How Is It Treated?
Much of the pain women experience during labor is focused in the uterus resulting from the intense contractions that help move the baby down into the birth canal. For some …
Cervical Dilation Chart – What to Expect During Each of the Stages of Labor
Your body moves through three stages when it’s time to give birth. The first stage focuses on cervical dilation – when the cervix is opening and thins in preparation for …