All couples can benefit from a preconception care plan including:
  • Seemingly healthy, fertile couples
  • Those whom have previously had a child and would like another
  • Couples with an ‘unexplained infertility’ diagnosis
  • Couples who have previously suffered a miscarriage
  • People with certain medical conditions (that need monitoring from a doctor)
  • Couples going through certain specialized fertility treatments
  • Anyone who may not be leading the most healthiest of lifestyles!

Many factors need to be acknowledged and a four to six month preconception care plan is recommended (maybe even longer).  This is a time for your body to be toxin free and to become well nourished.  It takes approximately 100 days for eggs to mature and sperm may take up to 116 days.

We understand that you want to be pregnant yesterday!!!  There is much evidence supporting the fact that this four to six months is critical not only for achieving conception but for delivering a healthy baby.  Healthy kids start with healthy pregnancies.

Most babies today are born with over 200 toxins in their blood.  We are bombarded daily with elements that hinder and hurt our reproduction. Environmental toxins, emotional stress, physical issues as well as our nutrition deficiencies all play a role in our ability to conceive.  This has been shown to increase the risk of long-term effects like asthma, Type 2 diabetes, and compromised immune systems.  These toxins also contribute to infertility, difficulty sustaining pregnancies, complicated births, and postpartum issues. 

Starting a preconception plan before conceiving can help you to optimize your chances for conception as well as preparing your body in the best way for maintaining the pregnancy and bringing a healthy baby into your life.  Wouldn’t you like to give your baby and yourself the best start possible?  We can help you to:

  • Get in the best possible physical and emotional condition to achieve and sustain a pregnancy
  • Make empowered, collaborative decisions based on your values and desires with your partner
  • Get your hormones, digestion, and nutrient absorption back in balance so that you can embrace your busy life
  • Find a team of other supportive fertility clinicians such as reproductive endocrinologists, acupuncturists, and functional gynecologists as needed
  • Gain skills to help you let go of overwhelm, anxiety, exhaustion, or feelings of inadequacy

What would a pre-conception plan look like?  First, we would look at environmental factors, health issues, family histories, lifestyles of you and your partner, nutritional analysis and any testing you may wish to have completed – we would look at those results and see where we can help to make them the best to optimize conception.

We would take a look at any emotional issues and blocks you may have to conception.  Clearing these issues now will be beneficial when you are ready to conceive.

Have you been on hormonal birth control?  Did you know that using hormonal birth control can greatly deplete you of many nutrients?  Many of these can cause issues when trying to conceive.  We will develop a plan to increase these deficiencies so they will be at optimal levels at conception.  It can take a full year for the hormones to be out of your body after taking hormonal birth control.  Also, if you have nutritional deficiencies from this use, it can also be passed on to your baby.  It is important to replace depleted nutrients before conceiving.

So, we will focus on 5 main areas:

  • Environmental factors – making sure internally and externally your environment is conducive to a healthy fertile body
  • Lifestyle – making sure you are allowing and supporting your body to heal and regenerate
  • Nutrition – making sure you are getting the right foods for your unique body and specific health conditions and guiding you to eat fertility enhancing foods
  • Emotionally – identifying if there are emotional issues and blocks needing resolution
  • Testing – what tests will be beneficial for you and then interpreting those tests and coming up with a plan for optimal fertility for conception

Each plan is geared to your specific needs and goals.  You can contact us for a complimentary consultation where we can identify where you would like support and how I can help.  You can use form below and I will be in touch with you to set up a time for your complimentary consultation.

Here are three resources to help determine where your fertile and hormone health are at this time.  Click on each title and download – let me know how you make out with each!

Fertile Health Self-Assessment Worksheet – this will help you to see where you may have issues at this time.  Let me know what your answers are and I can help you determine what you can do next.

Hormone Evaluation Quiz – This quiz will give you some insight into how your hormones are functioning presently with some suggestions on how to start gaining hormone balance.

Fix Your Period!  How to Work with Your Cycle for Optimal Health – This will give you insight into the 4 unique phases of your cycle, what is happening during each of those cycles and action steps you can take today to feel better during each of the 4 phases.

You can also join our signature fertility program – Fertile Ground Holistic Fertility Program.  It will help you plan and get your body and hormones in optimal balance so when you are ready to conceive, you will have a better and easier chance for conception.

Thank you and best wishes for you on this amazing journey!

Guiding you on the path to creating fertile ground for your baby’s first home and empowering women. . .one birth at a time.