The power to clean without harsh chemicals! That is Norwex!
The global Norwex community is committed to providing educational resources and supporting charitable projects that address growing concerns about harmful chemicals, plastic pollution and environmental issues.
Of 85,000 chemicals in existence today, only 200 have been tested by the EPA. Chemicals in cleaning products disrupt hormones, disturb gut balance and are responsible for a host of major health issues.
How safe is your haven? Take our quiz and see! Check it out here!!!
Do you know what chemicals are of concern? Find out here.
Here is a Chemical-Free Checklist. Use this checklist to help rid your home of common toxic chemicals and learn about safer alternatives. Check it out here.
Do you know the 12 sources of plastic pollution and the solutions to eliminate them? See them here.
So, ready to eliminate chemicals from you cleaning routines? For even more information and to order products, jump over here!
Let us know how we can help!