Blood Serum
Most commonly performed by Doctors. Provides limited data. Taken once - less accurate for certain hormones. Provides a snap-shot of hormoens. Best for doing a full thyroid panel, fasting insulin and sex binding globulin.
Saliva Test
More comprehensive, allows for multiple collections providing a more accurate picture. Available without a doctor's prescription. Can olny be done for steroid hormones. Very specific quidelines to be followed to collect an accurate sample. Affected by topical and oral hormone usage which disproportionately raise saliva levels.
Dried Urine
DUTCH Test stands for Dried Urine test for Comprehensive Hormones. It is a new test that allows for individual collection of urine samples without the inconvenience of multiple jars. This test collects a large amount of data including basics of the sexandadrenal hormoens and hormone metabolites. The complrehensive nature of the test equals the major advantage of comginning the best of serum,saliva and urninary testing all in one.